Areas of Expertise

Community Funds

VIEIRA, COSTA GOMES, through its partner Filomena Vieira, possesses vast experience in the preparation and monitoring of community fund applications.

In the scope of CSF III, monitoring meetings were held concerning the preparation, performance and closing audits of applications, particularly those concerning the programmes POSI   ( Operational Programme for Information Society), PRODER  (Rural Development Programme), Saúde XXI  (OP Health XXI), and PRIME  (Incentives Programme for the Modernisation of Economic Activities).

In the context of the present Incentive Scheme for Business Investment, support has been provided to applications for the Operational Programmes FEDER (QREN) and FEADER (PRODER).

The legal consulting provided to our Clients on these matters, along with the conclusion of contracts or the presentation of proposals to tenders, have proven themselves to be recognised assets in terms of management decisions.