Vieira, Costa Gomes

Portuguese law firm Vieira, Costa Gomes-Sociedade de Advogados, RL combines technical expertise and legal accurateness with the utmost availability and closeness in the service to its Clients.

We deal in different juridical areas such as Public Law, Labour and Social Security Law, Public, Civil and Labour Litigation, partnering, whenever necessary, with other Attorneys at Law, carefully selected for their technical expertise and shared values.

We guarantee a senior and personalised law practise, assuring permanent guidance from the Attorney you have chosen, who will demonstrate complete knowledge of the facts conveyed, being always up-to-date as for relevant developments and interested in the improvement of his/her activity. Thus, we guarantee thorough analysis and treatment of all matters entrusted to us.

We make sure that all essential decisions regarding the case will be made conjointly because, first and foremost, we aim to fulfil and protect your interests.

We shall be responsible for the technical management of the cases we are entrusted with, always in the pursue of the best possible solution for the Client.